Monday, February 2, 2009

What I've Been Up To

Obviously I've not been blogging much in the last few months. Lots of fibro flare ups, sick relatives to help, and just the hassles of dealing with dial up since my laptop went down.

I've been doing quite a bit of spinning and knitting recently. One of my projects is a hat for my mom that I spun with merino and mohair that I got at Rhinebeck. I also spun and wove some merino/tencel for a scarf for my aunt. Most recently I've been studying Scandinavian designs and designing socks. I'm waiting for some Knitpicks sock yarn, and hopefully I'll have a pattern to share soon.

I've also done several school programs, including my first one with highschoolers, which scared the heck out of me. The kids were very good, though. Polite and genuinely interested. You could go into a lot more detail than with the littles, that's for sure.

1 comment:

Aunt Kathy said...

I've been thinking about designing a sock pattern, I've no clue on those though. I may have to get up there sometime for a lesson or two.

Dial up? I didn't know they still had dial