I am sitting here at 7am fighting with my sock that I've designed. Why are you fighting with it, you ask? Because I have foolishly designed a sock that only wants to be knitted in magic loop or two circular needles, and since I couldn't find another size 2 circ, I had to use magic loop.
At the risk of becoming the newest knitting pariah, I will admit that I have no love for two at a time magic loop socks. I hate the first few rounds starting them, I hate untangling the yarn, I feel like I just spend the whole time rearranging stitches. Magic loop is not my friend. Give me old school top down dpn socks any day and I am a happy camper.
These socks just want to be knitted in magic loop, there's no way around it. The stitch pattern I came up with likes to jog stitches around right where the dpns meet, and in spite of me changing the arrangement around, it was just to much of a hassle. Anyway, let's face it. Magic loop is in. If they were just toe up I'd be all set. At least I have a furry knitting buddy for moral support.
By the way, the pattern is called Fountain of Love. Ironic, huh?